Wizarding card collection! #001
Ever wanted your own wizarding card? well welcome to wop's edition!

- From : Marcellus Faulkner

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Marilhéa Faulkner

Marilhéa Faulkner 👀

Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne This reminds me that I've been neglecting my own collection a lot.

Aira Hyun

Aira Hyun WOAH, what a cool blog idea!! Super honored to be the first one :D It shall be so fun to see all the cards that shall come ˚⊹♡

Venus Magnolis

Venus Magnolis Ooooh, this is such a fun blog idea! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's different cards :o Aira's was a lovely first one to see

Avery Shepherd

Avery Shepherd Great blog! This is a really fun idea, too! I hope to collect these cards!

Olympia Wolfe

Olympia Wolfe amazing blog, marc! also, pssst....i'll give you three legendary cards for the aira one.!

Prudence Wong

Prudence Wong aira cards? give me 200x of it, now! great blog marcie u.u

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