Staffy Sunday!
Staffy Sunday is a weekly blog post where I, (the best person in da world) Suri Ahn will be interviewing/questioning the lovely staff members of WoP US to get their OOG (out-of-game) answers to some questions. :)

- From : Suri Ahn

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Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne Well met!

Aira Hyun

Aira Hyun ooo cinnamon rolls!! love those :D + what an awesome interview!!

Blaire Fontaine

Blaire Fontaine What a lovely interview :D

Ivy Young

Ivy Young thank you for the article! ^-^

Aries Koizumi

Aries Koizumi Lovely article and interview, Suri!

Marilhéa Faulkner

Marilhéa Faulkner Ahhh I love this!!

Ankoku Mei

Ankoku Mei Cinnamon rolls will forever be a classic!!!!

Yasmín Augillero

Yasmín Augillero :o i love cinnamon bread too! amazing interview suri!

Hoshi Miyawaki

Hoshi Miyawaki Loved the article Suri! It was nice knowing you Ivy <3

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