Gossip n' Chill
"Gossip n' Chill" is here to bring you all types of tea and gossips around the castle. Collecting the gossips and spicy talks from all around the site and putting them in this blog for you all to read and chill. ❤️

- From : Yuzuki Miyawaki

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Marcellus Faulkner

Marcellus Faulkner @matti neither did you so someone has to do it and I’ll take that as a compliment thank you very much.

Marcellus Faulkner

Marcellus Faulkner Whatever happened to keeping best friends out of your blog sigh

Elsie Thomas

Elsie Thomas The tea is hot today!

Angela Tremaine-Martin

Angela Tremaine-Martin Not my Yua! She is just the sweetest a Wand Making Assistant anyone could ask for! And if there is a Minister Mermaid...I will borrow some scales! I have ideas for wands...

Sienna Granger

Sienna Granger Venus being a mermaid?! XD love this article, Yuzuki :)

Matthias Faulkner

Matthias Faulkner Marcellus, I didn't even know you were capable of pulling a woman /lhj

Andromeda Grey

Andromeda Grey Shhhh ;)

Venus Magnolis

Venus Magnolis I will neither confirm nor deny anything u.u *also notes to check if Andro is spying on her...* /j

Andromeda Grey

Andromeda Grey Hmm . I could see Venus doing that - but not saying 'fairest'. What about 'Chaotic' or 'Wowie-zowiest' - something like that!

Rufus Shinra

Rufus Shinra interesting!

Primrose Hemlock

Primrose Hemlock Marc, save me 👀

Avery Shepherd

Avery Shepherd Ooo Ven's a mermaid? That would be surprising!

Heiyu Tsang

Heiyu Tsang Yahooo! Another dose of gossip to brighten my day! Thanks again!

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