I Sought The Stories: Beginning
Interested in muggle writings? Here you can learn just how muggles see the unknown world! Get reading!

- From : Kilikani Ebbets

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Alexandra Schiller

Alexandra Schiller Really great story!

Valentina Demusz

Valentina Demusz Great job Kili! I'm so proud of you daughter!

Caitríona Hayes

Caitríona Hayes This is great Kilikani!

Jenna Patil

Jenna Patil Awesome story! You're amazing!

Abegail Harris

Abegail Harris AHHH! I'm so proud Kili!!!! Well done to my amazing younger sister!

Izzy Chang

Izzy Chang Nice!

Azoulas Laurinaitis

Azoulas Laurinaitis Brilliant job!

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