Muggle Mayhem: Episode III
Muggles can be so confusing sometimes. How do they live without magic? In this blog we will take a look at a bunch of interesting Muggle objects so you don’t have to be confused anymore!

- From : Banhi Patil

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Arya Cavelli

Arya Cavelli MOTORCYCLES! Yes, this was what I was screeching about with my siblings the other day-I absolutely love them, I want one and I can't wait to be old enough to grab one and travel all over the world with it! Great blog, Banhi-as usual ;) You never fail to write incredible works of art

Unicorn Hermione

Unicorn Hermione Wow this was an amazing article! I am muggle-born and it was funny to hear from another perspective!

Bianca Eloise

Bianca Eloise Finally an article on Muggles that I actually know something about! Just kidding I love all of your amazing articles Banhi. And yes Muggle transportation is quite astounding in many ways. It is very peculiar while still spectacular how they work though as many people think it would be quite a hassle for us. These vehicles run on something called gasoline, which you need to constantly refill into these things. In my opinion if you can go by floo do it. It is much quicker but I do admit riding a bike does sound fun. Amazing article as always Banhi!

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