Your Tarot Card Reading: Valentine's Day Edition
Welcome back to Your Tarot Card Reading! This week's edition will be a tribute to this past IG month of February with a special love tarot reading.

- From : Hannah Windsor

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Astrid Black

Astrid Black Yay. I am a slytherin. So I just need to keep a cool head and be shady. =D

Ellie Tsao

Ellie Tsao Yikes. Hufflepuffs have some bad luck. And I not sure how I can reassess my nonexistent love life.... :) Great job to the author!

Banned user

Banned user Guurl do you have a deck for every holiday? XD

Autumn Reubens

Autumn Reubens seriously creepy how accurate this is....

Karly Lightwood

Karly Lightwood O.O this is too accurate I don't like it XD

Caitríona Hayes

Caitríona Hayes This is so interesting, and perfect for Valentine's day!

Aimee Amherst

Aimee Amherst Oh man! Now I'm wondering who I'm going to lose! XD

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