Back Brund @Evanalyn Rose click on your profile then more then chest.
Piper Garcia Wait, I have problems with some of the homework assignments. Like the bubble one in charms. How am I supposed to know how many bubbles I caught? And what about muggle studies. How do I know what object I was given? I am so confused.
Evanalyn Rose how do i get to my chest. i can't find it.
Rita Meenachi Every time I click on a course it says I haven't started the course yet and I bought everything someone help me please
Jaxson Sacco 2. U apply or begin class courses by having the requirements and clicking begin course.
Jaxson Sacco 1. You get galleons by visiting Fred and George’s, peeves, or leveling up, and getting graded homework
Olivia Kaleo What week is it? I haven’t gotten homework. Also I’m only enrolled in a few classes cuz I can’t find out how to earn Galleons to buy books!
Become a part of the most amazing online magical universe and meet a lot of nice and kind people, that share the same interests as you. We bid you welcome with open arms!
Ritha Potterhead .
Back Brund @Evanalyn Rose click on your profile then more then chest.
Piper Garcia Wait, I have problems with some of the homework assignments. Like the bubble one in charms. How am I supposed to know how many bubbles I caught? And what about muggle studies. How do I know what object I was given? I am so confused.
Evanalyn Rose how do i get to my chest. i can't find it.
Rita Meenachi Every time I click on a course it says I haven't started the course yet and I bought everything someone help me please
Jaxson Sacco 2. U apply or begin class courses by having the requirements and clicking begin course.
Jaxson Sacco 1. You get galleons by visiting Fred and George’s, peeves, or leveling up, and getting graded homework
Kylie Granger is there a way to unenroll?
Samantha McPhee How do we get homework?
Olivia Kaleo What week is it? I haven’t gotten homework. Also I’m only enrolled in a few classes cuz I can’t find out how to earn Galleons to buy books!
Skylar Wood I don't even know how to get to class
Everly Everton How do we get homework?
Luminessa Monroe What are the exams like? >.
Anya Venenum Snowflake.