Muggle Mayhem: Episode II
Muggles can be so confusing sometimes. How do they live without magic? In this blog we will take a look at a bunch of interesting Muggle objects so you don’t have to be confused anymore!

- From : Banhi Patil

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Banned user

Banned user This is really interesting. Vacuums are so dangerous. I loved this article. I can't wait to see more!

Bianca Eloise

Bianca Eloise That sounds terrible, how to muggles deal with those? *Shivers* no thank you. But still though your article was wonderful despite how revolting those things sound. Great job Banhi!

Arya Cavelli

Arya Cavelli Vacuum... strange word indeed... I'd love to have a Vacchum sometime-and Banhi, what are those weird things that run on two wheels? Muhtorshikles?

Hale Grant

Hale Grant Wonderful article! A strange thing the muggles have, the vacuum...

Alex Fenthwicke

Alex Fenthwicke This was very amusing to read! I enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

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