The Life of a Student: Episode II
Ever wondered what life is like for other students? I had too! Come along on a journey to get to know our awesome students here at WoP!

- From : Banhi Patil

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Lexi Bautista

Lexi Bautista I love reading these blogs as I can learn more of the thoughts from my peers! I know that everyone shares some of these thoughts, especially during their first year which is the scariest as your in a new environment with unknown people. I think we often forget everyone else is in the same boat!

Oliver Wilson

Oliver Wilson This is truly an amazing article and a very good read. I think everyone's first year is kinda scary :3 I hope to read more <3

Violet Torres

Violet Torres This is amazing Banhi! I love the flow and can't wait to see more!

Lara Withers

Lara Withers This is beautiful, Banhi! It's interesting how these articles show that most individual experiences aren't just unique to us, but shared by everyone else. We're not alone! I can't wait to read more :3

Andromeda Grey

Andromeda Grey Wonderful! Great advice and we love you all!

Calliope Adder

Calliope Adder Lovely article! Everyone gave such detailed answers and it was so amazing to see everyone’s different point of view <3 I can’t wait for more in this collection! I have loved every single one so far and it’s truly creative :3

Ashley Victoria

Ashley Victoria BANHI!! WOOO! ok ok I'll stop with the caps ;u; your article is really great! I loved that your hard work has totally payed off (I can't deny, I loved seeing my name in your post :3) Great job Ban, hope to see more works from you soon :D and yeshhh i felt ABSOLUTELY weird seeing my friends looped ;n;

Arya Cavelli

Arya Cavelli Amazing work, Banhi! Your writing was lovely as always, seeing as it was written with love. I agree with Calliope, being stuck in a time loop is not a good experience.

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