Your Wacky Horoscope: Year 16 Week 10
This week's horoscope is ... future pasta?

- From : Crystella Desurra

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Roman Kingsley

Roman Kingsley in this house we are all farfalle

Bethanie Crown

Bethanie Crown Fusilli gang rise up! Amazing article <3

Genevieve Schubert

Genevieve Schubert Another great horoscope, Crystella! Us macaroni people are pretty great. ;p

Willow Greenwood

Willow Greenwood This is a great article! I’m pretty sure I’m macaroni...

Jack Requiem

Jack Requiem Ok, for the next one...lasagna....

Zywia Wolf

Zywia Wolf the twisty personality of the fussili's... My take on pasta choroscope =) I love this article

Lucy Fredrer

Lucy Fredrer Never thought I would be a pasta xD Thanks Ms. Desires for helping us find our inner ingredients!

Evangeline Whitehall

Evangeline Whitehall A fabalous article, all horoscopes should be done via pasta from now on.

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