From The Kitchen: Hagrid's Rock Cakes
Want to know how to make the "hard" to get Rock Cakes by Hagrid? Don't worry, it'll be a bit softer...

- From : Crystella Desurra

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Annabeth Gunderson

Annabeth Gunderson This sounds really good! Great job on the article!

Talia Mayim

Talia Mayim This sounds delicious!

Chloe Cavieri

Chloe Cavieri Ooh this sounds quite yummy! I want to try! :D

Tyler Glunt-Black

Tyler Glunt-Black Oh I love baking! Can’t wait to try this out!

Astoria Adler

Astoria Adler Thank you everyone!

Chloe Cavieri

Chloe Cavieri Ooh a bit hungry! :P Great article Astoria! :D

Lara Montgomery

Lara Montgomery ooooh! I can't wait for more recipes!!!

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