Wizarding card collection! #002
Ever wondered what your face would look like on a wizarding card?

- From : Marcellus Faulkner

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Sienna Granger

Sienna Granger woww so cool everyone

Josh Lewis

Josh Lewis Glad someone's taken on my idea from UK and run with it here! It was super fun to do and a great way to introduce people from the site!

Raine Starr

Raine Starr cool

Althea Lestrange

Althea Lestrange ohh I love it! :D

Marcellus Faulkner

Marcellus Faulkner why thank you yuzu and big boss

Andrew Sutherland

Andrew Sutherland This is so cuuute :D

Yuzuki Miyawaki

Yuzuki Miyawaki Great blog marc n.n

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