Pumpkin Pasties Recipe
Welcome back to school! I hope you had a great Christmas, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a fun winter break! But now that we’re back, it’s time for another recipe! Hold on tight, cus this recipe will be long!

- From : Althea Lestrange

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Heiyu Tsang

Heiyu Tsang Ohhh that looks delicious! Thanks so much for another scrumptious recipe, Althea!

Alice Dumont

Alice Dumont Oh, these sound delectable. Thanks for the recipe Althea! Maybe I'll make these in the kitchen next....

Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne I'm willing to be a taster.

Althea Lestrange

Althea Lestrange Thank you all for the wonderful feedback! ❤

Avery Shepherd

Avery Shepherd These are my favorite treat to get on the snack trolley. Maybe I’ll see if I can get a kitchen elf to help me make these.

Robert Whyps

Robert Whyps Yum! These sound and look delicious. I’ll have to sneak down to the kitchen at night to bake these. Just hope the kitchen elves don’t catch me.

Billie Easton

Billie Easton Is it just me or do I look at a recipe and then convince myself that I will make it tomorrow or the day after and then end up forgetting to do it? I will do exactly that now... except I don't have a kitchen! This is what you get for staying in the Leaky Cauldron (but don't blame me, I had to get the cheapest room). Very cool blog Althea, but imma have to sit this baking session out. Maybe when I get my own house on the outskirts of Hogsmeade will I plan on making this... but actually refer to my first sentence xD ill forget about it lol

Beckham Olivier

Beckham Olivier Pumpkin is my favourite, im so excited to try these Pumpkin Pasties

Ellis Davies

Ellis Davies Hopefully no 'Pumpkins' were hurt in the making of this recipe... but Oooo! I'm suddenly very hungry :o ♥️

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