Magical Locations: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!
A wonderful new series from our own Madeline Salvador! Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, frequently underestimated, stands as a pivotal institution in the Harry Potter series. Nestled in the picturesque Pyrenees mountains, Beauxbatons transcends mere background status. This blog delves into its significance throughout the series, shedding light on its true essence. Could Beauxbatons be the unsung hero, fostering magical talents and cultivating a unique culture that impacts the wizarding world? Let's embark on this journey together to uncover the truth about Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!

- From : Garrett Marshall

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Auriga Wolf

Auriga Wolf Oh my gosh Beauxbatons! Such a fabulous school full of History, Wonder and Magic! And you know you can travel with me to Beauxbatons in Year 6 of my History of Magic classes? That's right! So come on and see the Magic and Beauty for Yourself! And what is more we are visiting a Ball, you will have plenty of time to explore the famed Fountain of Youth and we will be travelling back by the one and only Abraxan carriage! So come on! 💛💚💙❤️

Alice Dumont

Alice Dumont Sweet! Beauxbatons sounds like a lovely school! This piece gives me a visual in my mind! This is wonderfully written and sounds purely magical!

Vaughn Layton

Vaughn Layton If I hadn't had been so set on Hogwarts, I might have considered going to Beauxbatons! It sounds so magical, and elegant. I look forward to the next one!

Avery Shepherd

Avery Shepherd Wonderfully written blog with so much useful information. Wow! Beauxbatons sounds like a very magical place.

lauren chromewell

lauren chromewell oooh this is brilliant wish they had a real website :)

Kiran Sharma

Kiran Sharma Fantastic blog post! I didn't know Nicolas Flammel attended Beauxbatons, that was fascinating to learn.

Mylene Lusk

Mylene Lusk Wow, there’s so much I didn’t know already about Beauxbatons! :o It sounds like a super elegant building and uniform. Nicolas Flamel is definitely one of the most iconic wizards of all time, so it was cool to learn some more about him!

Sienna Granger

Sienna Granger Lovely blog! So many interesting facts about Beauxbatons that I didn't know. Cannot wait for the next Magical Locations Volume :)

Iselin Merilä

Iselin Merilä I do look good in blue, so I think I would fit right into Beauxbatons! Thank you for an amazingly informative blog and I learned so much! Can't wait for the next installment <3

Garrett Marshall

Garrett Marshall A brilliant reintroduction to our Blogs! I can't wait to see what you do next! Kudos to Finch too for this amazing code!

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