In the Cauldron #01
Welcome to "In the Cauldron," where magic meets the kitchen! ✨🧙‍♂️ If you're looking to whip up Harry's favorite treacle tart or sip on a cozy mug of Butterbeer, you're in the right place. Our recipes are inspired by the Wizarding World but totally Muggle-friendly. So grab your wand (or spoon) and let's get started! ⚡🍽️

- From : Nina Hayes

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Billie Easton

Billie Easton nice blog!! im prolly to lazy to make these but ill imagine myself making them in my head

Sienna Granger

Sienna Granger ooh yum! lovely article <3

Brenda Taylor

Brenda Taylor Yum!

Emil Crim

Emil Crim A recipe from Nina's Mam? Definitely should try that one (and try not to burn anything along the way...) - that social media competition is such a fun idea :D

Anette Calvert

Anette Calvert Oh! Sweets and savoury and all things baked! What a fantastic selection and a wonderful choice for the first Cauldron edition! Amazing! Yeey! Cannot wait to try these! <3
And I love that you include allergy edition! That is so thoughtful! ❤️

Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne Now that looks yummy.

Avianna Park

Avianna Park I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series! I can finally bring out my supplies (and actually use my kitchen for once XD )

Stacey Lewis

Stacey Lewis Awesome idea for a series!! I'm always looking for new recipes!

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