Date Right! The First date
Hello! Here you can find all your great dating advice! that means for first dates! what to do when your debating on who contacts who first or who asks out who first! Even steps to calm nerves!

- From : Hope Sinclair

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Isabelle Nightshade

Isabelle Nightshade Awesome article Hope! Isabelle is definitely too young but this is good advice for the future!

Hope Sinclair

Hope Sinclair Thanks everyone for the supporting comments!

Andromeda Grey

Andromeda Grey Wow, this is really excellent advice. I love this, Hope, very well done!

Kotone Hirokawa

Kotone Hirokawa Awesome blog :)

Andrea Flint

Andrea Flint Good idea for blog and really helpful

Banned user

Banned user This is such a good idea for a blog! I love the tips given! I'll use them in a few years...

Jairus O'Leary

Jairus O'Leary interesting advice. thanks, hope!

raven olsi

raven olsi This is an amazing blog Hope,I can’t wait to read more

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