Interviews Around Hogwarts Vol. 1
Learn more about the lives and thoughts of the students of Hogwarts in SoMe's newest blog, Interviews Around Hogwarts! This week features one of our hardworking prefects, Beth Star!

- From : Crystella Desurra

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Beth Star

Beth Star Great Work on the article!

Jade Oliver

Jade Oliver I love it, Sadia! Great choice on Beth. Shes amazing. :D Lovley and i can't wait to see more!!

Mimi Remington

Mimi Remington It was great to read your first article Sadia! And it was lovely to learn more about Beth and her opinions on the wizarding world. I’m excited to see who you’ll interview next time :D

Alice Bulstrode

Alice Bulstrode It's always neat to see how differently people grew up before coming to school. For the rule, Pyxis isn't allowed to date until he's at least 16. That way I know he has his O.W.L.s out of the way and a significant other won't be a distraction.

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