Magical Potions: The Pompion Potion
Join Vaughn Layton as she dives into another incredible series of bewitchment and befuddlement in our Magical Potions! She really is rather spellbound as the elixir's from our beloved wizarding world are a bubblin' and a brewing! Today is no exception as she dives into the Pompion Potion! Pumpkin soup anyone?

- From : Garrett Marshall

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Auriga Wolf

Auriga Wolf What an interesting potion full of Magic! It sounds wonderful! Connected with all the chaos that has been happening in Hogwarts lately, this is wonderful!

Avery Shepherd

Avery Shepherd Excellent article, Vaughn. I'm with Rae about the suspicious timing. Do the Scribblers know more about the current situation than they are letting on? Someone should look into this...

Sienna Granger

Sienna Granger aah wow! wonderful blog, and omg I absolutely LOVE that lego reference. learnt so much about the Pompion Potion (the pumpkin head issue all makes sense now xD)

Raelynn Grey

Raelynn Grey hmmm, suspicious timing, don't you think?

Anette Calvert

Anette Calvert Oh my gosh this is wonderful! And now I wonder, about the Minister jinxed with Pumpkin-head and possibly giving out Potions! I think it makes perfect sense! Brilliant article! And I LOVE the LEGO reference! 💙💚❤️💛

Iselin Merilä

Iselin Merilä Amazing work ! Now if only we knew what went wrong with this potion to get everyone’s head back in the plot too ! I miss seeing everyone’s real face XD

Zoey Kerr

Zoey Kerr Fantastic article on the Pompion Potion. It was very informative and also had a lot of fun facts as well including the Harry Potter Lego game reference. Fantastic job.

Leonel Ludwig

Leonel Ludwig As former Potions Professor, this is a 10/10! Follow this recepie and you would never get it wrong at all <33

Evony Senoj

Evony Senoj Love this article, Vaughn! So fascinating to learn more about the Pompion Potion - it's strange that the inventor never came forward, but then... I guess they didn't want to get in trouble!

Lucian Firethorn

Lucian Firethorn Great job Vaught! I played the Lego game but I don't think I played chess, weird. Loved the read and I may or may not go spread (false) information about who this creator is ;) Great job Vaught!

Alice Dumont

Alice Dumont Excellent write up on the Pompion Potion, Vaughn! I never knew this first was shown in the Lego Harry Potter games! It sounds like a funny prank to play on fellow students!

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